Chemical Processing
Allied New Technologies, FL
- Maverick provided QA inspection services on site during the abrasive blasting of concrete cells, the priming of the prepared surfaces and the application of FRP laminate to protect the surfaces from contact with process fluids.
Chevron Phillips, TX
- Maverick provided failure investigation and assessment of the remaining service life for a 30 inch to 60 inch diameter cooling tower with FRP distribution piping. The assessment included recording conclusions and making recommendations to improve the life span of the cooling tower.
Clean Harbors (now Safety-Kleen), TX
- Maverick engineers provided the specification, design (including pipe stress analysis) and construction drawings for a 72 inch diameter Wet ESP flume collection system.
Dow Chemical, Saudi Arabia
- Maverick provided critical FRP engineering and stress analysis of over five kilometers of buried and above ground piping.
Eli Lilly and Company, IN
- Maverick provided the engineering and detailed design of a dust and vapor collection duct system from 16 inches to 7 feet in diameter.
Monsanto, LA
- Maverick provided QA inspection services on site for 24 hour coverage of steel tank re-lining with FRP beginning with abrasive blasting to final post cure. The project included a review of the Monsanto specifications for relining steel vessels, Inspector verification of abrasive white metal blast profile, thickness checks of applied primer, nozzle inserts, QA of the applied laminate, spark testing and final inspection of the completed lining.
- Maverick provided QA inspection services for FRP piping while being fabricated and performed final inspection of the piping including witness of final pressure testing with Acoustic Emission monitoring.
- Maverick provided QA inspection services for FRP tanks while being fabricated and performed final inpection of the tank including witness of pressure testing with Acoustic Emission monitoring.
Occidental Chemical, KS
- Maverick performed the engineering evaluation and pipe stress analysis of an FRP duct system for upgrading a critical wet chlorine gas unit running throughout the plant. The task included developing a reliable pipe support arrangement to manage thermal expansion and proving pipe supports for the project which consisted of ductwork from one foot to 46 inches in diameter.
- Maverick did the failure investigation of a 14 inch diameter dual laminate pipe and elbow, which had failed in service. Diagnostic evaluation, forensic examination and material testing were conducted to determine the root cause of the failure.
Occidental Chemical, TX
- Maverick performed the pipe stress analysis of Chlorine Cell process piping for optimization of system stresses and minimization of expansion joints. Additional services included evaluating existing support structures for new loads, designing new structures and design and supply of precision pipe supports.
Samsung Engineering, Philippines
- Maverick provided detailed engineering of FRP pressure vessels for a chemical processing plant . Pressure vessels were 1m diameter and designed in accordance with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section X, for a 100 psi internal pressure with wind and seismic occasional loading. Due to internal structures, large nozzles and substantial nozzles loadings, the pressure vessel design was confirmed using finite element analysis as required by the Code.
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We believe in solving root causes, not patching issues

Inspection Services
Inspection of nonmetallic equipment, make informed decisions on equipment maintenance and maximize system performance.

Pipe Supports
Design and supply of supports to ensure the safety and long-term reliability of FRP and thermoplastic piping systems.

Material Testing
In-depth physical and analytical testing of nonmetallic materials for material validation and failure investigation.

Investigative Engineering
Investigative engineering service to the property and casualty insurance industry, legal community, risk management and other industries.