Power Utility
Alabama Power Company, AL
- Maverick engineers reviewed the FRP chimney liner calculations for a 38 foot diameter chimney liner in a 675 foot tall chimney.
Allegheny Energy Supply, WV
- Maverick designed and engineered the FRP supports for a 26 foot diameter duct.
- Maverick designed three 26 foot chimney liners for a 542 foot tall chimney which included finite element analysis verification, modal analysis and detailed design of chimney liner components.
American Electric Power Corporation, OH
- Maverick designed a chimney liner measuring over 32 feet for an 800 foot tall chimney which also included finite element analysis verification, modal analysis and detailed design of chimney liner components.
- Maverick designed the FRP chimney liners for an 838 foot chimney (one flue being over 30 feet diameter and one flue being nearly 25 feet in diameter), including finite element analysis verification, modal analysis and detailed design of chimney liner components.
- Maverick provided the FRP engineering, finite element analysis and onsite construction technical support for the design and installation of FRP internal components for a 95 foot diameter Jet Bubble Reactor. Onsite technical support included field verification of design elements, resolution of interferences and review of necessary field modifications.
- Maverick engineers designed 350 feet of FRP flue gas duct, 29 feet in diameter. The project also included designing the support system.
- Maverick conducted internal and external FRP inspections for maintenance assessment of FRP chimney liners.
American Electric Power Corporation, WV
- Maverick provided engineering, finite element analysis, technical support and review for an FRP self-supporting spray header. In addition, Maverick also provided shop construction inspections during construction. Maverick also authored a design, material, and fabrication specification.
- Maverick conducted internal and external FRP inspections for maintenance assessment of an FRP chimney liner.
Buckeye Power, OH
- Maverick performed a plant audit of FRP piping and pipe support arrangements for FGD Systems and auxiliary piping in the process unit. The plant audit included examining over 2,200 lineal feet of FRP piping ranging from 2 inches to 4 feet in diameter for proper materials of construction, manufacturing quality and compliance with defined installation requirements. Pipe supports were reviewed for sensibility with accepted design practices and methodology. Support construction and functionality were examined for stiffness, load distribution and use of shear collars.
Chevron Phillips, TX
- Maverick provided failure investigation and assessment of the remaining service life for a 30 inch to 60 inch diameter cooling tower with FRP distribution piping. The assessment included recording conclusions and making recommendations to improve the life span of the cooling tower.
Dominion Generation, VA
- Maverick engineers designed a 29 foot diameter chimney liner for a 390 foot tall chimney which included finite element analysis verification, modal analysis and design of the support rings.
Duke Energy, FL
- Maverick performed an internal inspection of four underground storage vessels to assess the condition of the tanks and to project the remaining and reliable service life.
Duke Energy, NC
- Maverick engineers designed two chimney liners (each over 29 feet in diameter) for a 365 foot tall chimney which included finite element analysis verification, modal analysis and detailed design of chimney liner components.
Florida Power & Light, FL
- Maverick designed FRP piping and pipe supports for the Intake Structure Seawater Screen Wash System, 150 PSI.
Georgia Power Company, GA
- Maverick designed, engineered and provided the pipe supports for 20 inch to 9 foot FRP piping for an FGD absorber recycle system.
- Maverick developed an FRP quality assurance program for the plant site and provided resident FRP inspection services to oversee and observe field fabrication of large diameter vertically wound FRP shells for scrubbers and chimney liners.
Indianapolis Power & Light, IN
- Maverick designed a 26 foot diameter liner for a 565 foot tall chimney which included finite element analysis verification, modal analysis and detailed design of chimney liner components.
- Maverick engineers evaluated and performed the pipe stress analysis of Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) slurry and process piping for optimization of system stresses and definition of appropriate pipe supports for each application. Additional services included the specification of expansion joints, design of supplementary steel and design and supply of precision pipe supports required for system modifications.
Kentucky Utilities, KY
- Maverick designed and supplied pipe supports for 16 inch to 5 foot diameter FRP piping for an FGD absorber recycle system retrofit.
Pennsylvania Power & Light, PA
- Maverick designed a 30 foot diameter chimney liner for a 600 foot tall chimney. The project included the design of the chimney liner, finite element analysis verification, modal analysis and detailed design of chimney liner components.
Progress Energy, FL
- This nuclear power plant uses an an FRP cooling water system. Maverick did the pipe stress analysis on the ball circulation and collection system, evaluated the existing support structures for new loads and designed and supplied the precision pipe supports.
Tampa Electric Company, FL
- Maverick engineered and designed FRP piping, structures and supports for a slag dewatering system.
Tennessee Valley Authority, AL
- Maverick designed and supplied pipe supports for 10 to 54 inch diameter FRP piping for an FGD absorber recycle system retrofit.
Tennessee Valley Authority, TN
- Maverick performed the engineering evaluation of existing structures for adequacy and also designed new and modified pipe support structures. Also included were the design and supply of pipe supports for 36 inch diameter FRP piping for an FGD absorber recycle system retrofit.
WE Energies, WI
- Maverick designed two 25 foot diameter chimney liners (with two breeches per flue) for a 550 foot tall chimney which included finite element analysis verification, modal analysis and detailed design of chimney liner components.
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We believe in solving root causes, not patching issues

Inspection Services
Inspection of nonmetallic equipment, make informed decisions on equipment maintenance and maximize system performance.

Pipe Supports
Design and supply of supports to ensure the safety and long-term reliability of FRP and thermoplastic piping systems.

Material Testing
In-depth physical and analytical testing of nonmetallic materials for material validation and failure investigation.

Investigative Engineering
Investigative engineering service to the property and casualty insurance industry, legal community, risk management and other industries.