Water / Wastewater Projects
Chevron Phillips, TX
- Maverick provided failure investigation and assessment of the remaining service life for a 30 inch to 60 inch diameter cooling tower with FRP distribution piping. The assessment included recording conclusions and making recommendations to improve the life span of the cooling tower.
Fortron Industries, NC
- Maverick provided the engineering and design for a rectangular FRP treatment tank in a water treatment plant expansion.
Infilco Degremont, IN
- For this water treatment plant, Maverick performed extensive pipe stress analysis and supplied pipe supports ranging in size from 2 inches to 8 inches in diameter.
- Maverick provided the engineering design for JEA which included material specification, pipe stress analysis, design of pipe supports and supplementary steel and development of complete construction drawings for the installation of a 4 inch to 18 inch diameter FRP River Water System.
Montgomery County Municipal Utilities
- Maverick performed piping engineering design and calculations for PVC piping in a transfer pumping station for a water treatment facility.
Pennzoil Products Company, PA
- Maverick provided the engineering and field quality assurance during the installation of a Wastewater Treatment System which utilized pressure piping from 16 inch to 2 feet in diameter.
Progress Energy, FL
- This nuclear power plant uses an an FRP cooling water system. Maverick did the pipe stress analysis on the ball circulation and collection system, evaluated the existing support structures for new loads and designed and supplied the precision pipe supports.
Smurfit Stone Container Corporation, AL
- Maverick provided the engineering and design for fabrication of a 66 inch diameter pressure pipe, including supports, for an effluent discharge application. The pipeline involved an installation with full burial and truck loading, areas of partial burial, ground water and three overhead creek crossings.
Tampa Electric Company, FL
- Maverick engineered and designed FRP piping, structures and supports for a slag dewatering system.
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We believe in solving root causes, not patching issues

Inspection Services
Inspection of nonmetallic equipment, make informed decisions on equipment maintenance and maximize system performance.

Pipe Supports
Design and supply of supports to ensure the safety and long-term reliability of FRP and thermoplastic piping systems.

Material Testing
In-depth physical and analytical testing of nonmetallic materials for material validation and failure investigation.

Investigative Engineering
Investigative engineering service to the property and casualty insurance industry, legal community, risk management and other industries.