RAGAGEP for FRP Equipment

RAGAGEP for FRP Equipment

In June of 2015, OSHA instituted a new regulatory requirement for plant process equipment, commonly known as RAGAGEP, Recognized and Generally Acceptable Good Engineering Practices. This is a Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard, which basically says that all...
What is holding FRP back from Greater Success? Part 1:

What is holding FRP back from Greater Success? Part 1:

Some patents for FRP manufacturing go back to the 1940’s and 1950’s. FRP has been used in industrial service for tanks and piping for over 45 years. That’s a long time, and in services from seawater to chlorine dioxide to sulfuric acid. Having success in a variety of...
Why inspections are key in maintenance planning

Why inspections are key in maintenance planning

In today’s world of “just in time” scheduling for maintenance or replacement of equipment, it is critical to have good historical inspection data to reduce the risk of unexpected failure. Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) equipment such as storage...