FRP Fabricator vs. FRP Manufacturer

FRP Fabricator vs. FRP Manufacturer

Suppliers of FRP piping and tanks have been called FRP Fabricators, forever. I think this comes from the early days when fabricators built anything and everything from tanks to pipes to washer hoods to feed troughs. Today, the FRP industry is much more refined in many...

There Are No Bad Materials

I’m sure most have heard someone say, “Oh, that’s just a bad material.” I would suggest that, “There are no bad materials, only bad material selections.” There is no silver bullet in materials, i.e. one material that is good for every application, and cheap too. Most...
Piping Leaks – The Cost of Failure

Piping Leaks – The Cost of Failure

In today’s climate of global economics, whether you are a small family business or a multi-national corporation, businesses need to be efficient to be profitable. This concept applies equally to the operation of heavy industrial plants, such as for chemical...
RAGAGEP for FRP Equipment

RAGAGEP for FRP Equipment

In June of 2015, OSHA instituted a new regulatory requirement for plant process equipment, commonly known as RAGAGEP, Recognized and Generally Acceptable Good Engineering Practices. This is a Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard, which basically says that all...